8 Valuable lessons learned from motherhood

How to encourage a growth mindset in kids

Motherhood sure has a way of teaching you lessons fast. Just when you think you've got this, the game changes! It's been an honour to teach, guide and navigate this life thing with my children. After 15 years of being on this adventurous motherhood journey, here are 8 valuable lessons learned from motherhood. Our children our most prominent teachers I honestly believed that I was supposed to be the teacher in this parent-child relationship—only to find that it's the other way around. When I look at how I've grown over the past couple of years, I know that I have to give most of the credit...

10 Tips on Raising Teens

Hi, my name is Bayanda, and I'm a teen mom. Yes, we are deep into the teen years, and we're surviving! The one thing about motherhood is that nothing, absolutely nothing, can prepare you for the different stages of your child's life. However, I know that you have to tweak your parenting skills if you want to keep up with your teen. Here are 10 tips on raising teens. Don't expect the worst Teens get a bad rap. Most parents approach this phase with a lot of negative energy. And just like most things in life, your approach will determine the results. Unfortunately, that kind attitude will...

How to stop letting perfectionism ruin motherhood

I know for sure that I’m not the only Mama that started reading parenting books and downloaded countless apps as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Why? Because I was hoping to crack the code of motherhood so I can give my child the best. And while preparing for parenting is a noble act, the pressure that turns into perfectionism can also hurt our children. We are fixated on the idea of being the perfect mom. Perfectionism in the workplace or any other aspect of life is admirable. But if you couple it with motherhood, you’re setting yourself up for failure and disappointment....

Breaking Parenting Patterns

When I'm a parent, I'm never going to do that to my children." Sounds familiar? Even if we've set clear and strong intentions about the things that we don't want to repeat with our own children, sometimes we revert to those things because they are familiar to us. Parenting patterns are the deeply ingrained tendencies that we have that we're unconscious of. It's the things that we experienced as children that happened so often that we don't even think about them. We need to break destructive parenting patterns. We need to be the kind of parents that are intentional about the way...

7 Reasons Not to Spank Your Kids

How to be a present parent

Okay, I am aware that there is a great divide among our society on whether parents should or should not spank their kids. I grew up in a home where spanking was a popular form of discipline. Not only in my household but most of my peers got spanked by their parents—friends, neighbors and family. As a result, spanking often gets passed down from generation to generation. Although harsh punishment such as spanking may have instant results, the long-term consequences can be detrimental for your child and your relationship. I’ve chosen not to hit my kids and, in this blog, I share why I have...